Linggo, Abril 30, 2017

BANGUG Immersion Blog 1

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping 
together is progress; working
together is success"

Henry Ford

April 12, 2017, COMPANY HUNTING!!!

My DIT classmates and I decided to seek a company that is near to our place wherein we are going to render our immersion. First stop.. National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) San Fernando, La Union ... The moment we enter the vicinity of the company, we felt so happy to pass all the necessary requirements, the personnel let us sit and relax for a while.. after a couple minutes of waiting.. the personnel called our attention stating that we cannot pursue our immersion there for the reason that they are only accepting college students for On-the-Job training .. ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž 

Next stop.. April 17, 2017..
We traveled  again for the second time around.. With us is a prayer that we will be accepted so we could undergo the immersion immediately.. This time we presented the same letter to HOLCIM Inc., La Union Branch but unluckily the HR personnel was not around. We waited for couple of days for the personnel in-charge to arrive.. Until April 22, 2017 has come, and yet we are again denied for the second time around. Reason? They still have the line-up of students to undergo On-the-Job training so, they cannot accommodate us.  
I therefore conclude that seeking for a company regarding immersion is not easy, there are obstacles along the way. As stated here on my first blog we were rejected not only once but twice. But we should always remember that "everything happens for a reason"...

'till my next journey!!!

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