Biyernes, Mayo 26, 2017

BANGUG Dissertation Plan

After the preparations of the requirements for the Industry Immersion. I am still contemplating on what would be my direction for the dissertation. 

From this moment of contemplating, I received an email from our professor Dr. Ruji Medina, and to my surprised he tasked us to do an additional blog regarding our dissertation plan, aside from the blogs that we made for the industry immersion.. 

For now, my plan is to study on image processing still. Since image processing is my output paper in the immersion. I want to focus on the plant disease detection using image processing, wherein the system will detect if what grade the disease is and after detection it will provide suggestions to prevent spreading of diseases and advice the operators for the proper insecticides they are going to use for that particular disease.

This is my plan for dissertation..

Huwebes, Mayo 25, 2017

BANGUG Immersion Blog 5 - #Last and Final Blog

This would be my final blog for this DITCC-106 (Industry Immersion).

The blueprint depicts the flow of what was supposed to happen during immersion, signed and approved by my mentor.

I am thankful and appreciative for the warm accommodation of the staffs  the under the Agriculture Department of the Local Government
of Bacnotan.

With me is my mentor (Ma'am Fe) during the revisions of the paper.

I gained so much knowledge in this Industry Immersion under the guidance of my mentor Ma'am Fe.

These five blogs comprises my journey through Immersion.

Linggo, Mayo 21, 2017

Bangug Immersion Blog 4 - #Immersion Almost Done

The picture above is the place where I rendered my Immersion.

Looking back to my previous blogs, most of my tasks were done smoothly. This time, my task is to wrap up the things  I have learned from the school to the experiences I have learned during my Immersion. 

This week I have presented my work to my mentor for revisions. Attending some of their activities means a lot to me. Since my father is also a farmer, being with them is just like I am with my father also. I know the struggles of being a farmer from preparing the farm, planting to harvesting of crops. Being one of them is not easy, I know because when I was a kid I used to help my father working in the field. I still remember when I accidentally cut my hand during harvesting. So, I commend and thank all the farmers out there for without them there is no food for everyone. 

During immersion, I noticed something, that here in Bacnotan, the farmers doesn't have enough knowledge when it comes to disease detection most especially on rice plant. They are still doing the naked eye method, so I think I am on the right path of selecting to study about detection of rice diseases to aid the need of the farmers and to help them improve their production yields as well. With the help of my mentor and the accommodating staffs of the municipality of Bacnotan under the Agriculture Department, I can say that my Immersion there went well. 

With us is Dr. Eulalia E. Llarenas, head of Municipal Agriculture Office, She helped me by providing the right mentor on the field where I am interested in working on.

With me is my mentor, Mrs. Perlita G. Bucago. She provided me all the information that I need for my study.

This is all for my blog #4.

Linggo, Mayo 7, 2017

Bangug Immersion Blog 3

I am blessed for having a helpful and understanding mentor. In the person of Mrs. Fe Perlita G. Bucago. She is the Municipal Rice Coordinator here in Bacnotan. I dont know why, but it seems that I am very interested with rice lately so I have decided to study on rice diseases wherein she (Mrs. Fe Perlita G. Bucago) will be my mentor. 

Together with my mentor, we have to put everything in place since the time flies so fast and I need to do the research for just a couple of weeks left. She had given me all the information I need for my study. This picture was taken during our discussion about rice diseases. She discussed everything about rice. I also joined her in some of her duties. Every Wednesday of the week they are having their meeting together with the farmers. They are distributing rice seeds for free. For this week, they are busy preparing for the town fiesta so the meeting was cancelled and moved for the following week. 

God is good all the time!


Lunes, Mayo 1, 2017

BANGUG Immersion Blog 2

This blog is the continuation of my journey to industry immersion...

This journey covers April 24 - to April 30, 2017.

After the rejections happened, we were in hurry because time flies faster and yet we still don't have a company where we are so excited to render our immersion. We are thinking, "Why is it that some of the companies are so afraid to cater us?". The next option that we had is to try our luck on the Local Government Unit here in Bacnotan, La Union and probably the last stop. As a courtesy, we first visited the office of the Municipal Mayor in the person of Mayor Francis Fontanilla and luckily he was there. We presented the letter to him and he signed the letter. We are so blessed for this day. Yes! Finally, we are accepted. He then assigned us to the Municipal Health Office.

April 25-27, 2017 
I am thinking what would be my contribution to the Health Office or what would be my research? These things made me bothered at this time. We talked to the Municipal Health Officer in the person of Dr. Annabelle Pada and  she was so glad that we are there. She also let us observed their operations. On the following day, in preparation for the upcoming "Town Fiesta" they are rendering a Medical Mission which they are calling "Dur-As". It is a program of the LGU of Bacnotan together with the medical team wherein they are giving medical check-up, dental services and etc. for free. Pictures below were taken during the "DUR-AS".

"DUR-AS" is the project of the municipality of Bacnotan headed by our very own Mayor FRANCIS FONTANILLA.
We arrived at the venue of "DUR-AS" earlier so as you can see on the picture more seats are still vacant.

The on-going operation of "DUR-AS". The team was visiting all the barangays of the town to render their program regarding Medical Mission.
I have observed during the operation that some of their operations are still done manually. From this observation I can say that Information Technology would be a great help for them. I am interested regarding health researches but something's keeping me bothered and my heart says "why don't you try on Agriculture". Since some of my past researches focuses on agriculture, without a second thought we then decided to visit the Municipal Agriculture Department. The department is offering rice, corn, livestock, fisheries and etc. The Municipal Agriculturist was not around during our visit so we interviewed the available coordinators. The fisheries coordinator entertained us with a smile. We even visited a fish pen with bangus and tilapia and talked to the fish pen operator. We also observed the operation, they let us feed the fishes also. It feels great to see the many fishes eating while giggling! 

April 28-30, 2017
Since the Municipal Agriculturist was not around last time because of her busy schedules. We decided to visit her first hour in the morning. We explained to her our intention and she said, it's good to know that we are interested in Agriculture area. She also let us talked to the different area coordinators. From there, we have to decide on what area would be our focus and we need to think and move faster due to short period of time to prepare because summer class will end so soon...

This is all for this week so busy yet productive week. See you in my next journey through industry immersion..