Linggo, Mayo 21, 2017

Bangug Immersion Blog 4 - #Immersion Almost Done

The picture above is the place where I rendered my Immersion.

Looking back to my previous blogs, most of my tasks were done smoothly. This time, my task is to wrap up the things  I have learned from the school to the experiences I have learned during my Immersion. 

This week I have presented my work to my mentor for revisions. Attending some of their activities means a lot to me. Since my father is also a farmer, being with them is just like I am with my father also. I know the struggles of being a farmer from preparing the farm, planting to harvesting of crops. Being one of them is not easy, I know because when I was a kid I used to help my father working in the field. I still remember when I accidentally cut my hand during harvesting. So, I commend and thank all the farmers out there for without them there is no food for everyone. 

During immersion, I noticed something, that here in Bacnotan, the farmers doesn't have enough knowledge when it comes to disease detection most especially on rice plant. They are still doing the naked eye method, so I think I am on the right path of selecting to study about detection of rice diseases to aid the need of the farmers and to help them improve their production yields as well. With the help of my mentor and the accommodating staffs of the municipality of Bacnotan under the Agriculture Department, I can say that my Immersion there went well. 

With us is Dr. Eulalia E. Llarenas, head of Municipal Agriculture Office, She helped me by providing the right mentor on the field where I am interested in working on.

With me is my mentor, Mrs. Perlita G. Bucago. She provided me all the information that I need for my study.

This is all for my blog #4.

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